My name is Adam. I live in south-eastern Wales, and I’m 55. I have had a varied and interesting work history, and after working in IT for a number of years I was made redundant in 2003 – I then went on to get an Astronomy masters degree, and a PhD. I work in education, but not in a teaching role. During my time during my PhD, my wife was diagnosed with a degenerative spinal issue and this lead us to review our work/life balance. The realisation that life can take so much away from you at a blink of an eye was a big part of my decision to focus on my personal life.
I also foster cats for a rescue, and we specialise in those that need special care. I jokingly call myself the butler of the feline convalescence home. This year has been tough on me as I lost my dog George, my faithful ginger companion Horatio and a cancer survivor called Snowy.

Snowy no-Nose. Cancer survivor and winner of the 2023 “Who the F%^% are you looking at?” award.

George. My third rough collie. My faithful companion for many years. Miss you more that I ever realised I would.

Horatio Redlegs, or H-Bomb for short, with his wife and life partner Twinkle. She misses him as much as I do. Ginger tom’s are special. They’re just the most amazingly loving shitheads. They cause trouble, and melt your heart at the same time.